Hot water generation constitutes a substantial portion, nearly 40%, of household energy consumption. To curb this expense, the initial step involves reevaluating hot water production methods. Picture the advantages of harnessing the sun’s abundant and free energy, converting it into electricity through solar panels, and efficiently powering a heat pump for hot water production.
Soltek Energy stands at the forefront, offering the industry’s most advanced and efficient hot water systems for enduring savings and quality outcomes. With our systems, the worry of abruptly losing hot water during a shower or concerns about the affordability of the next hot bath become things of the past.
Choose from our two proven product ranges, the Reclaim Heat Pump and the AquaHeat All-In-One Heat Pump, for an affordable and reliable entry into efficient hot water solutions.

Reclaim Heat Pump Hot Water Systems offer an excellent choice for homeowners seeking a sustainable, energy-efficient, and budget-friendly method to heat their water. Utilizing a heat pump, these systems transfer heat from the surrounding air or ground to the water, resulting in significantly higher efficiency compared to conventional electric or gas water heaters.
Consider a Reclaim Heat Pump Hot Water System for an eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and budget-conscious solution to heat your water.

The Apricus All-In-One Heat Pump helps you to reduce energy costs up to 3 times compared to conventional electric and gas water heaters.
Apricus All-In-One Heat Pump has real-time power usage monitoring capability, which means households can now take control of their power bills. Its dual heating technology with incorporated electric elements allows the provision of hot water up to 70°c.
Apricus All In One Heat Pump reduces energy costs by 70% compared to conventional electric and gas water heaters, with an annual carbon reduction rating of 3 tonnes. Eligible for solar and heat pump water heater rebates, saving you more on your annual energy bills.